ZAO liegen zurzeit im Endspurt bei der Fertigstellung des neuen Albums, dass im Frühling über Ferret Music erscheinen soll. Das Album befindet sich beim Mixen und ist mit "Awake?" betitelt. Die elf Songs heißen u.a. "1,000,000 Outstretched Arms Of Nothing", "The Eyes Behind The Throne", "Human Cattle Masses Marching Forward", "Quiet Passenger Pt. 2." und ZAO haben dies zu sagen:
"We can't wait for you guys to hear this album! We are very proud of it and in our humble opinions it is very reminiscent of what you have come to know and love about Zao over the years. Every band likes to say 'this new album is our best yet' so we won't say that to you. We know that albums like 'Blood & Fire' and 'Liberate' will always be fan favorites and they are special to us as well. But with that being said believe us when we say that we strongly feel 'Awake?' is a more than worthy addition to our catalog."